Donate to Linuxstories is free of cost learning platform for all the learners from beginners to experts and we do not generate any direct income from the writings or any other mean. We are only funded by either through personal funding by the company, advertisements on the website or through donations and although we are backed by our own company support we still need sponsorships or donations from large companies and individuals who are interested in the guides provided by us on Linux and different associated topics such as Oracle Linux Administration, Linux Servers, Troubleshooting and much more.


Donate and grow together. is a self-financed and non-profit company which runs totally on self-funded money and local donations. However, we are here to request all the readers and interested people to donate us with whatever they can and help us continue to provide informational, engaging and educational learning material to everyone.

We cannot do this alone that’s why we seek your help in terms of donations. You can donate as much as you can, your good intentions even with $1 donation are valuable to us. We want to build a community where we could help beginners and experts to learn from each other on our website and contribute accordingly through their writings as well.